Sunday, August 26, 2012

Memory Making

If you have read more than one of my posts, you now at least know some of my present.  This blog will flash back a little bit, to about 1996.  That is the year that J was born.  At the time, I was teaching at Matthews Elementary School.  I had a lovely class of 2nd-5th graders. My own class taught in a portable and decorated my way.  (If you are reading this as a public school teacher you will know this isn't the case so much any more for Special Ed). Talk about variety. Lesson planning was a challenge for sure.

I taught at Matthews for two years until the hubs and I decided it would be beneficial to our two boys if I stayed at  home with them.  I still loved my job.  This change was something we felt called to do.  At the time, hubs was a teacher as well, so the salary thing was going to be an issue.  I had to find something to supplement, and I chose Creative Memories consultant.  Scrapbooking was already a hobby, and it was about to be a career (of sorts). 

My days as a CM consultant lasted 3 years. I made a little bit, but we also had some extra money from my retirement fund.  It turned out to be a bit more lucrative for me to work part time at a day care and take my boys with me.  A win-win.  I got paid to be around the kiddos.

Even though the consultant career was a wash, the hobby never left.  I still scrapbook to this day, the old fashioned way, the 90's way.  Die cuts and stickers and pretty colored paper, and photos cropped with scissors instead of Photo Shop.  I write on my pages in my own handwriting and use acid free pens of course. 

I tried digital scrapbooking.  I even have two digital books printed out.  At a recent Creative Memories event, I won software for digital scrapping.  I loaded it up.  I tried it out and even made some pretty cute pages.  There is only one problem.  Since I have been doing this since 1995, most of my books are not digital.  In fact, there are twenty-five of them.  When I made my cute digital pages, I realized that they belong in  a scrapbook that I am only halfway through.  I can't switch in the middle, ya know.  That just wouldn't work.  So I am sticking with the slow method some might call it, or the twentieth century method.  It isn't easy.  I used to be able to go to "Crops" once a month.  Attendance has dwindled so much that now those are only offered twice  a year, and this year the date is NHS homecoming.  I won't make that one.  So I keep my supplies set up in my room and do a page (or ten) when I have the chance.  It isn't the same as competing with fellow scrappers to get pages done but it works.

I finished Scott's books this summer.  Though I may have a handful of pictures to add, I am finished with his books.  They chronicle his school years from Kindergarten through Twelfth.  I wrapped them and handed them over.  I sort of expected him to spend hours pouring through them but he didn't.  Maybe because except for the 9th-12th book they have been sitting in the house for perusal anytime.  :-).  I did get a hearty thank you.  It felt really great to finish them.  Now I will have more time for James (I'm currently at 6th grade)  and Hannah (I think I am at 2nd grade).  Not to mention countless vacations.  I'll stay busy.  I'll stay entertained.  I'll have the memories.  I'll have Hobby Lobby close by.  I'll have my consultant to order scrapbooks from.  I'll be happy. 

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